Fox hunted for the past 16 years throughout the United States, Ireland and England.
Completed 7-day intensive cross-country and fox hunting riding clinic - Castle Leslie, Ireland
Completed Polo Clinic at University of Virginia - required for participation in U.S. Polo Association - 1986
Polo competitions.
Polo seminar - Casa De Campo, Santo Domingo - 1988
Competed in U.S. Endurance Riders Association sanctioned races. - 1993-95
Basic Mounted Officer's Clinic - National Mounted Police Academy
Instructor's Certification - National Mounted Police Academy
Mounted Police Training, Lexington, KY - Conducted by Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Guest Instructor, New Orleans Mounted Police Training and Competition - 1998
Tek Marciniak has conducted certfication courses for Cincinnati, OH; Columbus, OH; Las Vegas, NV; Austin, TX; Caddo Parrish, LA; Traverse City, MI; Bermingham, MI; California State Parks; Allen Co.S.O.,OH; Covington, KY; Gahanna, OH; Hinds County, MS; Shriveport LAPD; Alexandria, LAPD; Lousiana Department of Corrections; Charlotte County, FL; Glades County, FL; Collier County, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Savannah, GA; Cobb County, GA; Bridgeport, CT; Monmouth County, ME; Wayne Co. Sheriff's Office, MI; Des Moines P.D., IA; Sangamon Co. Sheriff's Office, IL; Palm Beach Co., FL; U.S. Forrestry Service; Hillsborough Co. Sheriff's Office, FL; and Etowah County, GA.
Participated in archaeological expeditions across Peruvian Andes and Yucatan jungle using horses as sole means of transportation. EMPLOYMENT
Land Surveyor -Blairgowrie, Scotland - 1962-66
Police Officer, Dundee City Police, Scotland - 1966-67
Military Police Officer, USMC. Served with civilian police at Danang, Viet Nam and was NCOIC, - 1969-72
U.S. Consulate Security, Danang, Viet Nam.
Police Officer/Homicide Investigator, Tampa Police Department - 1972-75
Owner, Marciniak Detective Agency, employing up to 14 investigators. - 1975-90
Charter Captain/Sailing Instructor, operated sail and power cruises between Florida and Central - 1995
American and instructed offshore seamanship and sailing from Basic through Advanced.
Present - Owned and operated Mounted Police Training and Equipment Co. - Engaged in training of mounted officers and police horses and supply of equipment for same. - 1997
U.S. Merchant Marine Captain - Master Near Coastal - unlimited passengers, up to 200 miles offshore.
Merchant Marine Towing Certification - USCG.
Private Pilot's License - Fixed Wing, licensed by FAA