Police Horse Riot protection - Full Body Sheet

Police Horse Riot protection - Full Body Sheet

Tek Marciniak Designed
Police Horse Riot Protection - Chest protector

Police Horse Riot Protection - Chest protector

Police Horse Riot protection - Full Body Sheet

Teks Police

Used by NATO & other law enforcement agencies across Europe.

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The horse blanket gives excellent protection to the horse against thrown objects and hits in Riot control situations. The blanket also gives good protection against slashing and burning. The blanket is light weighted and flexible to ensure the movability of the horse is not effected.

There are 36 protective elements made of HDPE on the blanket. The size of each protective element is 15cm x 12cm. The attachment to the horse is made with 5 pcs of 50mm wide straps: three under the horse & two on the chest area.


The length of the blanket is 190cm +/- 3cm and it is adjustable with the straps. It is possbile to customize the size if needed.

Main materials used:

Outer textile: Acrylic-coated PA1000 dtex nylon 300gr/m2
Inside textile: Acrylic-coated nylon 180gr/m2
Foam: Cross-linked LDPE, 6mm thick
Hard plastics: HDPE 500, 3mm thick

More Information
Country of Manufacture United Kingdom
Manufacturer Tek's Police